
Seville Orange Marmalade

Manolo Cuervo

Everyone knows that Queen Elizabeth II of England adored bitter orange marmalade, and that this homemade jam was made with oranges picked from the trees of the Alcázar in Seville. The artist wanted to pay tribute to this internationally famous Sevillian product.

Manolo Cuervo devoted himself very early to making posters. His work as a poster designer and designer brought about a renewal of the artistic scene in Seville at the beginning of the eighties.
His pictorial work maintains influences of abstract expressionism that marked his beginnings, and approaches “pop art” with the critical point of Equipo Crónica.

Technique: Serigraphy 4 inks
Caballo Paper 109 250 gms
Measures: 42 cm X 29 cm
Date: 2023
Country: Spain

145,20 TAX included

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